Browse my blog for musings and writings on mindfulness, dharma, and the many trials and tribulations of human life. Whenever I used to struggle with something, I was convinced I was so alone. Now with a little more wisdom, I know my struggles are your struggles, that being human is messy, and that, above all, we are all in this together.

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Who am I: Individuality, Social Comparison, and Self Acceptance
Individuality Dan McDonald Individuality Dan McDonald

Who am I: Individuality, Social Comparison, and Self Acceptance

“In many cases, we try and avoid our individuality and instead emulate someone else. That is a big problem. Individuality sometimes comes out of ego, like wanting to be an emperor, a king, or a millionaire. But individuality can also come from personal aspiration. It depends on the level of one’s journey, on how far you have been able to shed your ego. We all have our own particular nature. We can’t avoid it. The enlightened expression of yourself is in accord with your inherent nature (Chogyam Trungpa quoted in Mukpo, D. J., 2008).”

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