Browse my blog for musings and writings on mindfulness, dharma, and the many trials and tribulations of human life. Whenever I used to struggle with something, I was convinced I was so alone. Now with a little more wisdom, I know my struggles are your struggles, that being human is messy, and that, above all, we are all in this together.
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Inner Critic, Meet Your Newest Teacher, the Tree
Many of us struggle with an inner critic, a judgmental mind. This judgmental mind typically has no boundaries. Criticizing self and others both tend to be fair game. There are many ways to work with this mind state, some of which I have discussed in past blogs. This morning on my walk I was reminded of one method of working with this difficult mind-heart state that is quite pleasant to engage in-the practice of tree contemplation. That might sound a bit new age to you, but stay with me.
Mindfulness Meditation Apps Can Be Helpful
Learning to live in the present moment without judgment is actually pretty challenging for most of us. In fact, that's a bit of what makes us human. Most of us could use a little help getting started!