Browse my blog for musings and writings on mindfulness, dharma, and the many trials and tribulations of human life. Whenever I used to struggle with something, I was convinced I was so alone. Now with a little more wisdom, I know my struggles are your struggles, that being human is messy, and that, above all, we are all in this together.

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Shifting from Multitasking to Singletasking
Neuroscience Dan McDonald Neuroscience Dan McDonald

Shifting from Multitasking to Singletasking

Most of us feel some stress in everyday life with "so much to do" to "get ready"....enter MULTITASKING. Some of us take pride in being able to multitask, some of us really believe we are effective and efficient when we multitask. I'm not disputing that we may feel quite productive as we get many things done in a short amount of time, but what I do want to gently challenge is just how present any of us are while doing these many things at once.

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The Neuroscience of Why Gratitude Makes Us Happier
Neuroscience Dan McDonald Neuroscience Dan McDonald

The Neuroscience of Why Gratitude Makes Us Happier

Below is a post from The Huffington Post by author Ocean Robbins. If you did not see it in its original post, please take a moment to read it. My posting of this is neither meant to diminish the pain nor the struggle that you may be experiencing right now. Quite the opposite; my intention is to support you in your efforts to expand your capacity to experience the complexity of any given moment. Indeed at any given time we may be experiencing pain and gratitude. Alternatively, some of you might be trying to enhance your experience of life and looking for ways to do so. This is an amazingly simple but profound way to begin to create new neural connections and ultimately add a little more happiness in your day. Try it:-)

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